How to Grow High ORMUS Nutrient-Dense Superfoods for Pennies

Here are some of my best secrets for growing nutrient-dense food and making fermented superfoods for pennies. With these concepts, you can make gallons of your own custom-tailored ORMUS-rich probiotic antioxidant superfood supplements better than what you can buy for a fraction of the cost. You can also make supplements for livestock and other animals, plant foods, nontoxic household cleaners, odor eliminators, compost accelerators, soil enhancers, solutions for remediating polluted land and water, including remediating nuclear fallout, and much more.

This was filmed at the February 2015 Food and Thought Health Freedom Summit in Naples, Florida.

46 Million Americans Have Drugs In Their Tap Water- There is a Solution

The Associated Press did an investigation in March 2008 and discovered that all 24 major US cities public water supplies they tested had pharmaceuticals in them, AFTER treatment. See the AP article here:

This was no news to leaders in the water purification industry, since it's well known that undigested pharmaceuticals have been flushed down toilets in large quantities across the globe for many decades. Well, the plot thickens. The AP has continued their investigation and has now found that hospitals and nursing homes are dumping millions of pounds of unused drugs into the US water supply:

Now of course the press and governments are trying to minimize this information, citing the small concentrations of drugs in the water. But what these sources miss is the fact that water is a homeopathic solution, meaning that water is a carrier of information in its atomic and subatomic structure. Water picks up energetic signatures in its atomic structure of whatever it is exposed to. This can lead to either a disease response or healing response in the body when ingested, depending upon what frequencies are imparted into the water. This is the basis of homeopathy, or using super diluted water-based supplements such as Bach flower essences to trigger healing responses in the body. If that sounds like nonsense to you, check out Dr. Martin Chaplin's extensive hard core physics and chemistry of water here:

Dr. Chaplin is but one reputable source.

Okay, so we have this problem, what can we do about it? Well, one school teacher got the bright idea to collect the drugs and rather than flush them down the toilet, burn them:

Okay, so at least we're poisoning ourselves a little slower that way. Mmmm, seems like a strong case to radically reduce the use of pharmaceuticals, but since the world public has been mind-controlled into drug use and the drug companies are not yet close to collapsing, it's not likely the root of the problem will radically change soon. Fortunately, there are nontoxic solutions, but the powers that be won't like them because they threaten status quo industries. There is a technology known as Brown's gas that burns with a blue flame just like with a gas stove or welder. However, this flame has very amazing properties. It will weld anything to anything, melt just about anything, and yet the flame is cool to the touch:

The fuel does not explode when combusted, but rather implodes from gas form back into liquid water. Back in the mid-1990s I worked with the inventor Yul Brown briefly and tested a Brown's Gas welder for a few weeks. Because it alters the atomic structure of materials it burns, it can be used to convert matter from one form to another (yes, alchemy). So for example, you can burn or weld nuclear waste and it will convert the waste into nonradioactive material, with no toxic side effects. This is not conjecture, I've seen it done and welded materials myself. (Congress was shown this technology and some of them had it squashed.) The same thing can be done with waste of any kind; the millions of pounds of unused drugs or billions of pounds of chemicals on this planet can be neutralized with this implosive force technology. Implosive force technologies mimic natural energy systems and do not leave any toxic side effects, in fact, they clean up the environment (see works by and about Viktor Schauberger on and elsewhere).

There are other solutions as well; polluted water is being remediated with probiotic ("friendly") bacteria by companies like Natural Plus Plus, and Sustainable Community Development. Like photosynthesis, fermentation is an alchemy that changes materials fundamentally at the molecular, atomic, and quantum mechanical levels, creating the ability to make toxic materials nontoxic.

In the meantime, don't be fooled into thinking you can just install a good water filter and everything will be fine. Despite claims by water equipment manufacturers, I have yet to find a system that will truly clean municipal water, not just chemically but also homeopathically and energetically. Reverse osmosis won't do it, the John Ellis system won't, distillation won't, Aquasana, Grandeur, etc. won't. It takes multiple techniques and time. The solution unfortunately at this time is not simple, and I am working on solutions. In the meantime, if I were on a municipal water supply, I would either switch to a well or drink bottled spring water that has not gone through reverse osmosis, and treat that water as well to bring it back to life.

-Ken Rohla


Ken Rohla

Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, and has been teaching classes and retreats since 1993 on rejuvenation and cellular regeneration using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements, detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. With a background in electrical engineering, physics, and computer science, for 23 years he worked a variety of jobs in the medical industry, from the patient level to the national policy level. A cutting-edge researcher, Ken has studied with many pioneers in the natural health movement, including Gabriel Cousens, MD; Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement; David Wolfe; Dr. Robert Morse; Viktoras Kulvinskas; Brenda Cobb; and many others. In 2005, Ken became certified as a natural health educator by Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 2006 was honored to work with Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Currently Ken’s focus is developing natural solutions for new severe threats to our health, such as nuclear radiation, geoengineering pollutants, genetically modified foods and microorganisms, electromagnetic pollution, nanotechnology, biowarfare agents, depleted food, and other issues. You may see interviews with Ken on Gaiam TV, Red Ice Radio, and elsewhere on his web site,

Eliminating Sleep Problems Naturally

Did you know you are probably being robbed of sleep without even knowing it? Over the years I have seen a rapidly growing increase in sleep problems with my clients and others. In fact most people in developed countries have sleep issues and are not even aware of them. Often seemingly unrelated health issues stem from a lack of deep, restful sleep. What is striking to me is how clueless almost everyone is to the mostly self-inflicted causes of their problems. Certainly there are also a growing number of external influences that negatively affect sleep, and people are for the most part not aware of them or how to resolve them. I've had friends with severe sleep issues that have resorted to tragic, unnecessary, and sometimes expensive therapies that ultimately don't work or have damaging side effects, such as drugs, surgery, expensive sleep studies, expensive equipment, etc. It's tragic and avoidable in most cases. But most people suffer the effects of poor sleep while thinking they’re sleeping just fine, because their brain wave states are not slowing down into the deeper and necessary levels of sleep. Here is a talk I did about the subject, with natural solutions. I hope you find it useful. — Ken Rohla



Ken Rohla

Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, and has been teaching classes and retreats since 1993 on rejuvenation and cellular regeneration using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements, detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. With a background in electrical engineering, physics, and computer science, for 23 years he worked a variety of jobs in the medical industry, from the patient level to the national policy level. A cutting-edge researcher, Ken has studied with many pioneers in the natural health movement, including Gabriel Cousens, MD; Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement; David Wolfe; Dr. Robert Morse; Viktoras Kulvinskas; Brenda Cobb; and many others. In 2005, Ken became certified as a natural health educator by Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 2006 was honored to work with Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Currently Ken’s focus is developing natural solutions for new severe threats to our health, such as nuclear radiation, geoengineering pollutants, genetically modified foods and microorganisms, electromagnetic pollution, nanotechnology, biowarfare agents, depleted food, and other issues. You may see interviews with Ken on Gaiam TV, Red Ice Radio, and elsewhere on his web site,

Dirt Cheap Ways to Protect Yourself from Cell Phone Microwave Radiation

"Obviously if you block the signal from your cell phone, even partially, then you wouldn't get as good reception or any reception and you wouldn't be able to use it. So what these EMF protectors do is STRUCTURE the EMF field coming off the cell phone so it's less damaging, they don't eliminate or block it, or else it (your phone) wouldn't work."

Read More

The Profound Importance of Dirt for Your Health and Happiness

I have been writing and speaking lately about how the health of all animals on this planet, including us, comes from the soil. Soil is an extremely complex living universe of microorganisms and insects that break down minerals and organic material into nutrients that can be assimilated by plants, and the animals and insects that eat them. It is this life in soil that also creates monatomic elements (ORMUS) that are profoundly healing and regenerative to living organisms, and it heals our water in the later underground stages of water's hydrological cycle on Earth. The ORMUS elements that are created in healthy living soil act as superconductors that can pick up and resonate the extremely weak magnetic fields and cosmic energies of the planets and celestial bodies around Earth, even at extreme distances, imparting their healing frequencies into the water, rock crystals, microbes, fungus roots (mycelium), and plant roots in soil. ORMUS elements transferred from soil to into our bodies through consumption of plants create superconductivity in the brain, nervous system, and cells. This ORMUS picks up the extremely weak magnetic fields of surrounding planets and celestial bodies, creating many subtle energetic influences including homeopathic and astrological. Cutting-edge physicists are discovering that atoms of monatomic elements exhibit "nonlocality," that is, the property of being linked and acting identically, no matter how far apart in the cosmos they get, even when light years away from each other. It is what Einstein called "spooky action at a distance," for which he and others in the past had no explanation. It is this nonlocality that can connect consciousness, as Lynne McTaggart describes in her book, The Field. David Hudson, the most recognized modern rediscoverer of ORMUS, and other scientists, say our brains and nervous systems are made of about 5% monatomic rhodium and iridium. But to get these into our bodies, we must ingest it from the food chain that comes from  — DIRT! And now ladies and gentlemen, someone has made a movie about the amazing properties of dirt: Dirt! The Movie, narrated by actress Jamie Lee Curtis.

Dirt! the Movie

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Ken Rohla

Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, and has been teaching classes and retreats since 1993 on rejuvenation and cellular regeneration using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements, detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. With a background in electrical engineering, physics, and computer science, for 23 years he worked a variety of jobs in the medical industry, from the patient level to the national policy level. A cutting-edge researcher, Ken has studied with many pioneers in the natural health movement, including Gabriel Cousens, MD; Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement; David Wolfe; Dr. Robert Morse; Viktoras Kulvinskas; Brenda Cobb; and many others. In 2005, Ken became certified as a natural health educator by Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 2006 was honored to work with Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Currently Ken’s focus is developing natural solutions for new severe threats to our health, such as nuclear radiation, geoengineering pollutants, genetically modified foods and microorganisms, electromagnetic pollution, nanotechnology, biowarfare agents, depleted food, and other issues. You may see interviews with Ken on Gaiam TV, Red Ice Radio, and elsewhere on his web site,

How To Make Your Own Nutrient-Dense High ORMUS Probiotic Antioxidant Superfoods

One of the lessons I've learned in this life is, when you gain power, you empower others. Hoarding power in any form (including wealth, strength, information, knowledge, energy, etc.) is always self destructive in the end. So I believe strongly in empowering myself and others. Those who are most revered in human history understood this and were about empowering others. So it is my philosophy to teach others how to fish, rather than sell them fish. To that end, after testing organic food and discovering it is sadly lacking in nutrients, and knowing what can be done about it, I have been on a mission to teach others how to make their own nutrient-dense high ORMUS probiotic antioxidant superfoods, rather than to simply make and sell them. What the heck does that mean? ORMUS is an acronym for Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic (or Microclustered) Elements. In a nutshell, they are a small group of platinum group elements or minerals on the periodic chart which can occur as collections of individual atoms in white ceramic powder form rather than as a normal metal composed of atoms bound to each other. They have amazing healing and regenerative properties, and many applications in technologies such as free energy generation, antigravity propulsion, and more. They are at the root of ANYTHING that heals and regenerates living organisms, be it food, water, energy, body or mind work, etc. They are where the mind-body-food connection actually occurs.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria which can be ingested to aid digestion and crowd out pathogenic parasites and microbes in the body, which are a major detractor to immune system strength and health. Antioxidants are negatively charged particles in whole living organic food, water, and other substances we ingest which neutralize positively charged free radicals that cause damage at a cellular level. Nutrient-dense living food and water are high in all of these traits, which is why they are so rejuvenative. The problem is, nutrient-dense organic food is a scarce commodity on this planet, not normally found even in health food stores today. So in order to have it, we must grow or ferment what we can ourselves, educate local growers about the concepts of and resources for nutrient dense farming, and supplement our diets with these types of "superfoods." How? Follow this blog, get on my email list, and listen to the talk below I gave in Houston about this very important topic. I will be speaking about this for years to come.

How To Grow Your Own Nutrient-Dense High ORMUS Probiotic Antioxidant Superfoods for Pennies, 1 hour, 25 mins.


Ken Rohla

Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, and has been teaching classes and retreats since 1993 on rejuvenation and cellular regeneration using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements, detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. With a background in electrical engineering, physics, and computer science, for 23 years he worked a variety of jobs in the medical industry, from the patient level to the national policy level. A cutting-edge researcher, Ken has studied with many pioneers in the natural health movement, including Gabriel Cousens, MD; Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement; David Wolfe; Dr. Robert Morse; Viktoras Kulvinskas; Brenda Cobb; and many others. In 2005, Ken became certified as a natural health educator by Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 2006 was honored to work with Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Currently Ken’s focus is developing natural solutions for new severe threats to our health, such as nuclear radiation, geoengineering pollutants, genetically modified foods and microorganisms, electromagnetic pollution, nanotechnology, biowarfare agents, depleted food, and other issues. You may see interviews with Ken on Gaiam TV, Red Ice Radio, and elsewhere on his web site,

Sweat Lodge Physics in the Quantum Universe

I have never been a native American “wannabe.” Basically I’m a standard American white guy with a dash of redneck and gypsy, having grown up partially in the southwest and mostly southeastern US, with ancestry from Bohemia (now the Czech Republic). So though I have always admired the native Americans I have met and their culture in general, I have never desired to take their culture for my own. Yet I have had a few inspiring encounters with natives in my lifetime, and recently had another such experience. Last weekend I hosted an authentic Yaqui Indian sweat lodge and vision quest on my five-acre property in northeast Florida, led by Yaqui Indian Chief Sonne Reyna. The event was life changing according to the 35 people attending, including myself. I had been wanting to do such a ceremony for several years on this land to help heal the legacy of wounds from the past conflicts between natives and European English and Minorcans who fought and died over this land to settle the town of New Smyrna Beach, the largest attempt at colonization of the new world. My property lies on the exact area where wealthy English doctor Andrew Turnbull surveyed and established the new colony, named after his wife's home town of Smyrna, Greece. About 3/4 of the 1,500 settlers he brought to this area died of malaria, other disease, and battles with local Seminole Indians. A lot of blood was shed and strong painful human emotional energy was released here.

I listened as the Chief explained beforehand to the group that the purpose of the sweat lodge is to not only purify the body, mind, and emotions, but also heal the land and the spirits here. He spoke of the power of women and blood to affect reality and directed any women on their menses to participate by remaining in a "moon" lodge separate from the main lodge. He said four generations before and after each of us would be affected by the ceremony. I could see that to many of the listeners, this sounded like simple native symbology and metaphor, but what I heard was the quantum physics of consciousness and biology.

Ultra high frequency subtle energies such as consciousness (scalar waves), tachyon energy, and zero point energy (energy between subatomic particles of matter) program and store information in — and are transmitted by — water, soil and stone, bone, and blood. Water is a liquid crystal, soil and stone are crystalline minerals, bone is composed of crystalline minerals, and blood contains water, magnetic iron, and DNA — the superconducting double-helix antenna within us that connects consciousness to our physical bodies. Crystals are frequency resonators that hold, amplify, and transfer information. If this sounds like New Age nonsense, take a gander at MIT’s video courses on crystallography.

This is also part of the basis for the Asian concept of "Feng Shui" and dowsing. Physical structures, particularly natural ones in the Earth such as water, stone, and metals, affect the organization of energy. Electrical nonconductors like stone, wood, bone, crystals in soil, and water that contain superconducting ORMUS minerals within them act as conductors of scalar waves zipping through the cosmos, passing unimpeded through most matter and electromagnetic energy. These superluminal scalar waves slow down and "coagulate" into the matter and electromagnetic energy that we can see and measure. Monatomic (ORMUS) minerals capture scalar waves and create local superconducting "Meisner fields" that are highly beneficial to living organisms. ORMUS minerals in ground water veins also create Meisner fields similar to those found in the human nervous system, specifically at superconducting junctures the Chinese call “acupuncture meridians.” When energy is exposed to water, stone, bone, and blood, they store the frequency information, much like computer memory. The work of Masaru Emoto regarding human consciousness affecting the atomic structure of water is an example of how consciousness can program information into a crystalline material, in this case, water, a liquid crystal:

Native and ancient cultures have described these concepts in terms of spirits, nature, magic, and other shamanistic ideas. In speaking with Chief Reyna, we both held similar views of what the sweat lodge and vision quest ceremonies were about, using different language. When we sweated profusely upon the ground, we homeopathically treated the water and crystals in the ground with our own individual and collective frequencies. The women who shed blood onto the ground did so as well. Rains will wash those frequencies further into the soil, and into roots of plants and fungi (mycelium) in the ground. Mycelium are widespread incredibly dense and expansive networks of fungi roots that can span many miles. One cubic inch of soil can contain 300 miles of mycelium, an associative neural network carrier of information structured much like the Internet, according to the book Mycelium Running. The scalar fields of our consciousness and the sounds of our singing and language also influenced the soil and water, and sent thought forms into the quantum field to possibly slow down into tachyon energy and solidify into physical manifestation. The lodge was built in the middle of an island, surrounded by brackish water where the fresh water streams meet the ocean's salt water. The creek connects with the Atlantic ocean a few miles away. Chief Reyna said the lodge was the Earth's womb, rebirthing us when we came out of the lodge. As I sat in the lodge, I saw a vision of the scene overhead, the womb on the belly of the island, surrounded by water leading down a meandering birth canal out to the ocean due west of us at Ponce Inlet, the vagina. To top it off, I know this inlet and the island are on a paramagnetic ley line that extends from the Bahamas.

Simply put, we held an exercise using consciousness to heal a wounded place in time and space, create new future realities for ourselves, and affect the world. I could see that many of the participants could not see how they had such power to alter themselves, the land, and the world by a ceremony like this. When I explained it in terms of quantum physics, they seemed to grasp it better. This is the power we have been separated from, it is what we need to return to, and we do not need to understand how it works, only that it does.


Ken Rohla

Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, and has been teaching classes and retreats since 1993 on rejuvenation and cellular regeneration using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements, detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. With a background in electrical engineering, physics, and computer science, for 23 years he worked a variety of jobs in the medical industry, from the patient level to the national policy level. A cutting-edge researcher, Ken has studied with many pioneers in the natural health movement, including Gabriel Cousens, MD; Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement; David Wolfe; Dr. Robert Morse; Viktoras Kulvinskas; Brenda Cobb; and many others. In 2005, Ken became certified as a natural health educator by Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 2006 was honored to work with Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Currently Ken’s focus is developing natural solutions for new severe threats to our health, such as nuclear radiation, geoengineering pollutants, genetically modified foods and microorganisms, electromagnetic pollution, nanotechnology, biowarfare agents, depleted food, and other issues. You may see interviews with Ken on Gaiam TV, Red Ice Radio, and elsewhere on his web site,

Natural Source of Vitamin B12? Eat Ants!

Back in the 60s when I was in 7th grade, my mother brought home some chocolate covered ants shaped like Hershey's Kisses from a local gourmet store. I ate them just to enjoy the chocolate; didn't really taste the ants, though they added a bit of a crunch. I figured since it didn't kill me, I could eat ants from the playground sidewalks at school to gross-out my friends. Over a few days of this, it exploded into a sideshow of lunchtime gawkers. Then I realized if I charged each person a quarter, I could buy all the Captain Crunch Ice Cream Bars I wanted from the school cafeteria. So it endured for a while, and a school legend was born. Years later, at my North Carolina high school graduation awards day, as I walked down the auditorium aisle to pick up my award for "Most Likely to be Committed," I heard someone in the audience say "Ewww, that's that dude who eat flies." The ebonical commentator had mixed my legacy of 7th grade ant eating with my 6th grade hobby of slamming flies in my notebook, arranging them neatly into rows, and labeling the flies with my classmates names, much like a yearbook. (That one was so popular it became a status symbol to be in my fly "yearbook.")

But I digress. Here's an interesting and hilarious video of raw food guru David Wolfe talking seriously about eating ants to get vitamin B12. His earnest demeanor makes me laugh, though he's likely correct. I'm considering getting back to my old gig, but now I have a moral dilemma: is it morally reprehensible to eat conscious beings, small and segmented that they are? Science has proven plants are also sentient and able to read the minds of humans (see The Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird), so really I have no moral high ground. Thought I was a vegan but now I may become a vegetarian alkalarian insectivore. Guess I'll have to re-read what Gandhi said about it all.


Ken Rohla

Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, and has been teaching classes and retreats since 1993 on rejuvenation and cellular regeneration using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements, detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. With a background in electrical engineering, physics, and computer science, for 23 years he worked a variety of jobs in the medical industry, from the patient level to the national policy level. A cutting-edge researcher, Ken has studied with many pioneers in the natural health movement, including Gabriel Cousens, MD; Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement; David Wolfe; Dr. Robert Morse; Viktoras Kulvinskas; Brenda Cobb; and many others. In 2005, Ken became certified as a natural health educator by Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 2006 was honored to work with Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Currently Ken’s focus is developing natural solutions for new severe threats to our health, such as nuclear radiation, geoengineering pollutants, genetically modified foods and microorganisms, electromagnetic pollution, nanotechnology, biowarfare agents, depleted food, and other issues. You may see interviews with Ken on Gaiam TV, Red Ice Radio, and elsewhere on his web site,

Real Superheroes Part 3 of 3

Compton Ron Bada

I also met Compton at Raw Spirit in an unusual circumstance. He was selling his supplements at a vendor's booth. I was impressed with his products simply from seeing how he was making them, and even more so after drinking a shot of one of his elixirs. I could immediately feel energy flowing through my body. Well, Compton asked me about the EMF pendant I was wearing, and said he wanted one because it had such incredible energy. I was puzzled at first because the pendant I was wearing was nothing special. Then I realized, what he was feeling was the Stress Shield device I had in my pocket. I pulled it out, and he said "Yes! That's it, that's what I'm feeling! I want one!" He is the only person I've met who can actually feel the scalar energy the device emits, so I knew this guy was very special. Turns out he is brilliant as well, and also makes amazing fermented supplements that have been energized by crystals and include powdered crystals in the ferment. Now if you think crystal energy is some kind of nebulous woo woo new age nonsense, you don't know about the science of crystallography, taught in the most prestigious universities in the world, such as MIT.

Crystals contain real energy in their atomic structure and can release it for practical applications, such as the piezoelectric effect used in gas grill igniters and cigarette lighters.

The problem with ingesting powdered rocks is, the body can't metabolize much or any of it. But through the brilliant quantum mechanical alchemy of fermentation, the minerals are broken down into monatomic ORMUS and microclustered elements and become bioavailable. Compton also uses some very special Native American herbs and other exotic ingredients not found in other supplements. For example, he uses high temperature probiotics from Hawaiian volcanoes to culture his ferments. Brilliant, and the bottom line is, they work.

Here is Compton talking about the benefits of microbes and some of his cool products:

— Ken Rohla

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Ken Rohla

Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, and has been teaching classes and retreats since 1993 on rejuvenation and cellular regeneration using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements, detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. With a background in electrical engineering, physics, and computer science, for 23 years he worked a variety of jobs in the medical industry, from the patient level to the national policy level. A cutting-edge researcher, Ken has studied with many pioneers in the natural health movement, including Gabriel Cousens, MD; Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement; David Wolfe; Dr. Robert Morse; Viktoras Kulvinskas; Brenda Cobb; and many others. In 2005, Ken became certified as a natural health educator by Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 2006 was honored to work with Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Currently Ken’s focus is developing natural solutions for new severe threats to our health, such as nuclear radiation, geoengineering pollutants, genetically modified foods and microorganisms, electromagnetic pollution, nanotechnology, biowarfare agents, depleted food, and other issues. You may see interviews with Ken on Gaiam TV, Red Ice Radio, and elsewhere on his web site,

Real Superheroes Part 1 of 3

There is an explosion of internet marketers and self-proclaimed "world leading gurus/superheroes" dispensing all kinds of really bad health advice and nonsense, adding to the confusion for people discovering the living foods lifestyle. Often the real masters in the world don't seek publicity because they spend their time creating solutions for a better world, not marketing or conjuring up a daily flow of verbal diarrhea to capture the eyeballs of prospects. (Of course there are some amazing master teachers very much in the public eye.) Here are some of my favorite healers who most people have never heard of, providing some of the best truly natural health solutions in the world, very cutting edge, and yet ancient and based in nature too: Dr. Paul Yanick

I was amazed when I learned that Paul Yanick was living right here in my home town of lil' old New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Paul is a truly world-class scientist; he has knowledge of not only cutting-edge quantum physics and cellular biology, but he's also deeply intuitive and understands the ways of nature beyond that of most humans. He makes a line of fermented food-based supplements that rebuild the body from the cellular and energetic levels on up. He understands that 85% of the body's cells are "commensal" cells, that is, nonhuman bacteria. His own testing has also shown that most raw food products sold online contain mold. So to rebuild health, one has to start with the microscopic organisms, using food-based supplements that do not contain mold. Paul's brilliant fermented products do that. His fermented foods and probiotics are so far beyond others because he does amazing things with them. He ferments his cultures with a brilliant array of synergistic plant-based foods over several months, all while immersed in a scalar field. Then he throws a different culture into the pot, different foods, and ferments them all again. Then he does it again, and again — in a scalar field. Some of his products take years to make. They work extremely well and are very affordable. He has a bunch of great books and videos, mainly for natural health practitioners.

Another superhero in part 2 next week.

— Ken Rohla


Ken Rohla

Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, and has been teaching classes and retreats since 1993 on rejuvenation and cellular regeneration using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements, detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. With a background in electrical engineering, physics, and computer science, for 23 years he worked a variety of jobs in the medical industry, from the patient level to the national policy level. A cutting-edge researcher, Ken has studied with many pioneers in the natural health movement, including Gabriel Cousens, MD; Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement; David Wolfe; Dr. Robert Morse; Viktoras Kulvinskas; Brenda Cobb; and many others. In 2005, Ken became certified as a natural health educator by Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 2006 was honored to work with Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Currently Ken’s focus is developing natural solutions for new severe threats to our health, such as nuclear radiation, geoengineering pollutants, genetically modified foods and microorganisms, electromagnetic pollution, nanotechnology, biowarfare agents, depleted food, and other issues. You may see interviews with Ken on Gaiam TV, Red Ice Radio, and elsewhere on his web site,

Farmer Finally Prevails Over Monsanto After His Crops Were Ruined by Their GMO Canola

You may have heard the insane story several years ago about Canadian farmer Percy Schmeizer who was sued by Monsanto after their genetically engineered canola from a neighboring farm contaminated his non-GMO crops. One would think that Schmeizer would have the upper hand and Monsanto would be on the offensive for ruining Schmeizer's 1400 acres of canola, but unbelievably, Monsanto sued Schmeizer for failing to pay a fee for the use of the GMO technology that Schmeizer didn't even want. Initially Monsanto won the lawsuit and Schmeizer was ordered to pay, with very dire implications for all property owners worldwide. In that lawsuit, the judge ruled that if any plants anywhere became contaminated by Monsanto's GMO technology, those plants became property of Monsanto. Insane! Fortunately after years of legal battles and spending over $200,000 (his life savings), Percy Schmeizer finally prevailed in March 2008. He could have capitulated for a couple thousand bucks and a slap on the wrist. He chose instead to stop the corporate madness for us all. We all owe him. Here is his web site where you can donate to help him recover some of his losses.

Below is his story.

-Ken Rohla



In this video, Percy states that there is no non-GMO canola or soy left in Canada.




Ken Rohla

Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, and has been teaching classes and retreats since 1993 on rejuvenation and cellular regeneration using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements, detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. With a background in electrical engineering, physics, and computer science, for 23 years he worked a variety of jobs in the medical industry, from the patient level to the national policy level. A cutting-edge researcher, Ken has studied with many pioneers in the natural health movement, including Gabriel Cousens, MD; Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement; David Wolfe; Dr. Robert Morse; Viktoras Kulvinskas; Brenda Cobb; and many others. In 2005, Ken became certified as a natural health educator by Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 2006 was honored to work with Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Currently Ken’s focus is developing natural solutions for new severe threats to our health, such as nuclear radiation, geoengineering pollutants, genetically modified foods and microorganisms, electromagnetic pollution, nanotechnology, biowarfare agents, depleted food, and other issues. You may see interviews with Ken on Gaiam TV, Red Ice Radio, and elsewhere on his web site,