Brian Clement Introduces Gabriel Cousens at HHI (3 of 10)

My favorite section of Brian Clements’ introduction for Gabriel Cousens is part 3. Brian hits on some very important and enlightened points. He can tell you better that I can so just watch the movie below, but I will elaborate a little from my own feelings. He states that “Everyone has an opinion about everything, but nobody will tell you how they really feel because they might be held responsible.” What a profound expression of truth. It really drives to the core of the lack of authenticity and responsibility in relation to others, ourselves, and the world around us. He talks about how we need to pay more attention to what really matters. I agree with him in stating what really matters is our own feelings.They shape who we are, what we do, how we communicate, and most importantly how we perceive ourselves. If we do not perceive ourselves in a good light, how can we expect others to do the same. We are all striving one way or another to get to a place where we can be who we truly are. Brian says “That if you are not at that place where you can be who you truly are then at best all your communication is an embellishment, and mostly BS.” I agree with him again. If I had heard that statement a few years ago I would not have believed, let alone understood it. I feel blessed to be able to understand it now, and know that I still have much to unlearn form my past and a long way to go to before I can be who I truly am.

Craig Allen

This is a ten-part series filmed at the Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida in January of 2008. The first three parts are of Brian Clement, Hippocrates director, sharing his thoughts on natural living while we waited for Gabriel to arrive. Parts four to ten are of Gabriel Cousens, MD of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona talking about how diabetes is a disease of lifestyle, not a product of genetics. Dr. Cousens' clinical research conclusively demonstrates that diabetes can be reversed and healed by assuming a raw and living vegetarian lifestyle.


Ken Rohla

Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, and has been teaching classes and retreats since 1993 on rejuvenation and cellular regeneration using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements, detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. With a background in electrical engineering, physics, and computer science, for 23 years he worked a variety of jobs in the medical industry, from the patient level to the national policy level. A cutting-edge researcher, Ken has studied with many pioneers in the natural health movement, including Gabriel Cousens, MD; Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement; David Wolfe; Dr. Robert Morse; Viktoras Kulvinskas; Brenda Cobb; and many others. In 2005, Ken became certified as a natural health educator by Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 2006 was honored to work with Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Currently Ken’s focus is developing natural solutions for new severe threats to our health, such as nuclear radiation, geoengineering pollutants, genetically modified foods and microorganisms, electromagnetic pollution, nanotechnology, biowarfare agents, depleted food, and other issues. You may see interviews with Ken on Gaiam TV, Red Ice Radio, and elsewhere on his web site,

Brian Clement Introduces Gabriel Cousens at HHI (2 of 10)

Brian Clement tells a story of when he met a Buddhist monk at Hippocrates Health Institute. In the story he talks about how the monk’s presence is overwhelming for the room. About how he has to stop his lecture so that the class can be introduced to the monk since all the students were starring at him anyway. I think the most interesting part of the lecture is when Brian talks about how the monk spoke broken English at best, and all the students were straining to try and intellectualize what he was saying. It was at this point that Brian stopped the monk for a moment and told the class to stop trying to process what the monk was saying, but to just feel what he was saying. I find this to be very true in my life. When I spend too much time thinking about something I can get into a state I call paralysis by analysis. When I realize it and can step out into the feeling of the situation, things flow so much better. This is part 2 a ten-part series filmed at the Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida in January of 2008. The first three parts are of Brian Clement, Hippocrates director, sharing his thoughts on natural living while we waited for Gabriel to arrive. Parts four to ten are of Gabriel Cousens, MD of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona talking about how diabetes is a disease of lifestyle, not a product of genetics. Dr. Cousens' clinical research conclusively demonstrates that diabetes can be reversed and healed by assuming a raw and living vegetarian lifestyle.


Ken Rohla

Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, and has been teaching classes and retreats since 1993 on rejuvenation and cellular regeneration using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements, detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. With a background in electrical engineering, physics, and computer science, for 23 years he worked a variety of jobs in the medical industry, from the patient level to the national policy level. A cutting-edge researcher, Ken has studied with many pioneers in the natural health movement, including Gabriel Cousens, MD; Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement; David Wolfe; Dr. Robert Morse; Viktoras Kulvinskas; Brenda Cobb; and many others. In 2005, Ken became certified as a natural health educator by Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 2006 was honored to work with Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Currently Ken’s focus is developing natural solutions for new severe threats to our health, such as nuclear radiation, geoengineering pollutants, genetically modified foods and microorganisms, electromagnetic pollution, nanotechnology, biowarfare agents, depleted food, and other issues. You may see interviews with Ken on Gaiam TV, Red Ice Radio, and elsewhere on his web site,

Brian Clement Introduces Gabriel Cousens at HHI (1 of 10)

Brian Clement and Gabriel Cousens are two of the most well know advocators and teachers of the raw food lifestyle. We are very pleased to be able to share this video series with you. It is a ten-part series filmed at the Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida in January of 2008. The first three parts are of Brian Clement, Hippocrates director, sharing his thoughts on natural living while we waited for Gabriel to arrive. Parts four to ten are of Gabriel Cousens, MD of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona talking about how diabetes is a disease of lifestyle, not a product of genetics. Dr. Cousens' clinical research conclusively demonstrates that diabetes can be reversed and healed by assuming a raw and living vegetarian lifestyle.


Ken Rohla

Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, and has been teaching classes and retreats since 1993 on rejuvenation and cellular regeneration using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements, detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. With a background in electrical engineering, physics, and computer science, for 23 years he worked a variety of jobs in the medical industry, from the patient level to the national policy level. A cutting-edge researcher, Ken has studied with many pioneers in the natural health movement, including Gabriel Cousens, MD; Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement; David Wolfe; Dr. Robert Morse; Viktoras Kulvinskas; Brenda Cobb; and many others. In 2005, Ken became certified as a natural health educator by Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 2006 was honored to work with Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Currently Ken’s focus is developing natural solutions for new severe threats to our health, such as nuclear radiation, geoengineering pollutants, genetically modified foods and microorganisms, electromagnetic pollution, nanotechnology, biowarfare agents, depleted food, and other issues. You may see interviews with Ken on Gaiam TV, Red Ice Radio, and elsewhere on his web site,

Fractals, The Universe, Water, and You - Part 2

FRACTALS IN WATERWater is also energetically and physically structured as a fractal. Liquid water molecules and atoms are arranged in a flexible 3-D grid. Ice crystals such as snowflakes show the hexagonal fractal structure locked into form, and as Masaru Emoto showed in his book Hidden Messages in Water, consciousness affects this fractal energetic structure. (Emoto was made famous by the movie What The Bleep Do We Know?)

YOUR THOUGHTS AFFECT WATER IN THE BODY So again, very nice, but so what? Well, water molecules bunch together in fractal clusters based on the energy affecting them. Your body is made up of roughly 70% water. As Bruce Lipton, Mazuru Emoto, and others have shown, your consciousness is affecting the water (and other structures) in your body, all the time, positively or negatively, depending upon your thoughts and frame of mind. So with your own thoughts, you affect the water in your body or outside of it measurably. Yet another good reason to create a harmonious life for yourself.

WATER IONIZERS, PENTAGONAL AND “HEXAGONAL” WATER Undirected electricity like lightning follows a fractal path. Water ionizers zap water with fractals of direct current voltage to break millions of the H2O molecules into H+ and OH- ions within the water. This process, known as hydrolysis, also breaks the clusters of water molecules down from clumps in the thousands to finer hexagonal clusters of six, making the water clusters easier to get into the cells to hydrate the body. Healthy natural waters such as pure rain or snow have this hexagonal structure, hence the hexagonal shapes of snow and ice crystals.

Hexagonal water is found around healthy cells of living organisms, and is involved in cellular communication, intracellular water movement, enzyme function and many other metabolic processes. Vortex machines such as the Vitalizer Plus, based on the work of Viktor Schauberger, Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, and others, also create hexagonal water. Jhon’s work showed aging involves a loss of hexagonal water from organs, tissues, and cells, and an overall decrease in total body water.

On the other hand, unhealthy, unnatural water often clumps into clusters of five molecules. This “pentagonal” water is found in unhealthy tissue and cells, and in reverse osmosis filtration systems. It increases acid waste and decreases beneficial oxygen in tissue.

So you see, there is far more to water and energy in the body than most of us realize, and a perfection in nature that humans cannot replicate or outdo.

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Ken Rohla

Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, and has been teaching classes and retreats since 1993 on rejuvenation and cellular regeneration using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements, detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. With a background in electrical engineering, physics, and computer science, for 23 years he worked a variety of jobs in the medical industry, from the patient level to the national policy level. A cutting-edge researcher, Ken has studied with many pioneers in the natural health movement, including Gabriel Cousens, MD; Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement; David Wolfe; Dr. Robert Morse; Viktoras Kulvinskas; Brenda Cobb; and many others. In 2005, Ken became certified as a natural health educator by Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 2006 was honored to work with Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Currently Ken’s focus is developing natural solutions for new severe threats to our health, such as nuclear radiation, geoengineering pollutants, genetically modified foods and microorganisms, electromagnetic pollution, nanotechnology, biowarfare agents, depleted food, and other issues. You may see interviews with Ken on Gaiam TV, Red Ice Radio, and elsewhere on his web site,

Fractals, The Universe, Water, and You - Part 1

About 15 years ago I sat watching a computer screensaver draw Mandelbrot fractals. You've probably seen Mandelbrot fractals, they look like this:

Click here to see examples of more Mandelbrot fractals.

Fractals are simply geometric branches, like tree limbs, veins in plants and animals, lightning, etc. A brilliant mathematician named Benoît Mandelbrot discovered the mathematical equations that describe these fractals. The branching pattern re-occurs over and over again as one looks more closely at the branches. In math and science circles this is known as recursion.

As I sat watching them branch out across the screen, it occurred to me that the energetic structure of our universe, macroscopically at least, seemed to be in fractal form. Throughout the physical and energetic universes (or multiverse), energy branches out in fractal tentacles and creates the physical structures we know, from galactic structures to subatomic particles and beyond. As I pondered it, I thought a possible visible example of this is in Kirlian photos of living organisms, where the subject is electrified and photographed to show the fractal pattern that the electrical energy takes on as it emits from the subject.

So I was pleasantly surprised when I attended a two-day lecture by renowned cellular biologist Dr. Bruce H. Lipton (, and the geneticist who has studied quantum biology since the 1960s was saying the same thing: that the universe is energetically structured as a giant never-ending fractal. In his Biology of Belief Lite presentation, he also brilliantly showed how consciousness affects the physical body and possibly creates physical reality. This video shows the concept of how these fractal structures, when zoomed in on, simply repeat themselves:

Okay, that’s all very nice, but so what? It supports the concept that sages, mystics, and philosophers have said for ages, "as above, so below." From universes, galaxies, and solar systems to the double-helix of our DNA, to subatomic structures, energy flows from these larger structures into the smaller as spiral fractals of energy that manifest as matter. We are simply in a small band of energy (or frequency range) that repeats nonstop from bigger than us to smaller than us, probably never ending in each direction. As these spirals flow, they create the cycles that we see in our existence: galactic and planetary motion, seasons, hot and cold, light and dark, you name it.


Ken Rohla

Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, and has been teaching classes and retreats since 1993 on rejuvenation and cellular regeneration using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements, detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. With a background in electrical engineering, physics, and computer science, for 23 years he worked a variety of jobs in the medical industry, from the patient level to the national policy level. A cutting-edge researcher, Ken has studied with many pioneers in the natural health movement, including Gabriel Cousens, MD; Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement; David Wolfe; Dr. Robert Morse; Viktoras Kulvinskas; Brenda Cobb; and many others. In 2005, Ken became certified as a natural health educator by Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 2006 was honored to work with Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Currently Ken’s focus is developing natural solutions for new severe threats to our health, such as nuclear radiation, geoengineering pollutants, genetically modified foods and microorganisms, electromagnetic pollution, nanotechnology, biowarfare agents, depleted food, and other issues. You may see interviews with Ken on Gaiam TV, Red Ice Radio, and elsewhere on his web site,

Drelich Organic Wheatgrass Shares its Operation with Fresh And Alive

Drinking wheatgrass is one of the healthy things you can do for yourself. Since we love it so much we decided to seek out one of Florida’s premier wheatgrass farms and interview its owner and operator, Frank Drelich. Frank runs Drelich’s Organic Wheatgrass Nursery in Orlando, Florida. Frank discussed with us some of his secrets for growing premium wheatgrass and why he loves what he does. We filmed this during our 10-day wheatgrass juice fast. We were consuming about 1.5 pounds of wheatgrass juice a day during the fast. We will tell you all about it in future post. Frank can ship wheatgrass straight to your door and can be reached by checking out the website at


Ken Rohla

Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, and has been teaching classes and retreats since 1993 on rejuvenation and cellular regeneration using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements, detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. With a background in electrical engineering, physics, and computer science, for 23 years he worked a variety of jobs in the medical industry, from the patient level to the national policy level. A cutting-edge researcher, Ken has studied with many pioneers in the natural health movement, including Gabriel Cousens, MD; Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement; David Wolfe; Dr. Robert Morse; Viktoras Kulvinskas; Brenda Cobb; and many others. In 2005, Ken became certified as a natural health educator by Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 2006 was honored to work with Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Currently Ken’s focus is developing natural solutions for new severe threats to our health, such as nuclear radiation, geoengineering pollutants, genetically modified foods and microorganisms, electromagnetic pollution, nanotechnology, biowarfare agents, depleted food, and other issues. You may see interviews with Ken on Gaiam TV, Red Ice Radio, and elsewhere on his web site,